There are some restrictions applied to connection between Harcov dormitory network and Internet. The aim of this measure is prevention of security problems (portscan from / to the dorm network, attacks on insufficiently secured computers within the dorm network) and avoiding of unauthorized servers occurrence.
There are some restrictions applied to connection between Harcov
dormitory network and Internet. The aim of this measure is prevention of
security problems (portscan from / to the dorm network, attacks on
insufficiently secured computers within the dorm network) and avoiding of
unauthorized servers occurrence.
The rule for UDP traffic restrictions has been changed as well. At present,
all UDP ports are open, with the exception of ports for sharing and MS
Windows remote service, which were notoriously abused for hacking. Comments
and well supported suggestions are welcomed at
Kdy jste naposledy četli Provozní řád počítačové sítě LIANE? Už ani nepamatujete? Tak to honem napravte.
Kancelář 01032 a 01012 Budova C, 1. N. P. Studentská 1203/5, Liberec
Pondělí a středa 10:00–11:00 a 14:00–15:00,
úterý a čtvrtek 9:00–11:00,