Google Meet alternative, Zoom is a widely used system for videoconferencing and virtual meetings. It can be used to consult students as well as colleagues. For Czech universities, it was made available by CESNET.
Advantages: Ease of use, minimal requirements.
Disadvantages: Single-purpose only, capabilities are in accordance with [ Free plan] – meetings of two participants are not limited in terms of time; with more participants, the meeting can take 40 minutes max.
How to: Connect to [] (Sign in – top right, logging in is carried out through Shibboleth with username and central LIANE password). You plan the appointment in the Meeting section and mail the other participants the address stated in Join URL. The meeting will start automatically, alternatively you can start it manually through Start this Meeting button. Participants will join the meeting after clicking the link in the email. Zoom uses specialized software, system will offer the software installation when you first connect to the meeting.
Kdy jste naposledy četli Provozní řád počítačové sítě LIANE? Už ani nepamatujete? Tak to honem napravte.
Kancelář 01032 a 01012 Budova C, 1. N. P. Studentská 1203/5, Liberec
Pondělí a středa 10:00–11:00 a 14:00–15:00,
úterý a čtvrtek 9:00–11:00,