Unfortunately, our university did not escape the attempts of frauds trying to lure private information from our users. Therefore we suggest our users get acquainted with Principles of fraud mail protection.
We experienced some massively distributed e-mails which authors fake to be the LIANE administrators. They inform about (fictional) system changes and ask for user names and passwords to "verify" the account.
The LIANE management never asks for passwords. Definitely don't respond to such attempts.
Some of these e-mails were really crude written in strange language loosely resembling Czech. For comparison: here are automatic mails sent by LIANE management.
Kdy jste naposledy četli Provozní řád počítačové sítě LIANE? Už ani nepamatujete? Tak to honem napravte.
Kancelář 01032 a 01012 Budova C, 1. N. P. Studentská 1203/5, Liberec
Pondělí a středa 10:00–11:00 a 14:00–15:00,
úterý a čtvrtek 9:00–11:00,