From the technical point of view, this authentication is unambiguously the worse one. Its only advantage is the ease of use. We recommend to use it as the last resort, you should always prefer the eduroam authentication.
To use this authentication you have to choose TULwifi from the network menu (TULwifi is the SSID identifier which must be selected).
Once you connect to the network, launch the web browser of your choice (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, ...) and open an arbitrary web page. You will be redirected automatically to the authentication form, which is the only page accessible at this point.
Enter your user name here in the form and the password for remote access which you created for this purpose. After submitting, the values provided will be evaluated and - if successful - Internet connectivity will be opened for your computer.
We point out once more that the data communication is not encrypted when using this kind of authentication. For example, your password entered into an unsecured web form (typical for freemail servers) may be intercepted. If you want to protect your data, use the eduroam authentication or - at least - use encrypted application protocols (HTTPS, IMAPS, etc.).
Wireless TULwifi network uses non-public addresses which are translated (NAT, Network Address Translation) when leaving the network. Choice of usable ports is also restricted. Following ports are allowed:
port | service |
25 | e-mail sending (SMTP), allowed only to server |
80 | web (HTTP) |
443 | encrypted web (HTTPS) |
465 | encrypted e-mail sending (SMTP+SSL), only to server |
993 | encrypted e-mail reading (IMAPS) |
Services using different ports or services demanding public IP addresses do not work in the TULwifi network.
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