Distance Learning

Corona crisis brought about the need for distant learning. Following are our recommendations for distant learning tools:

eLearning.tul.cz Portal

elearning.tul.cz Portal is the primary platform for electronic support of learning at our university. It is often used in regular classes, e. g. for semester work submission or testing. Core of the eLearning Portal is Moodle system, enhanced by specific extensions (such as connection with STAG or the system for lectures recording). eLearning offers wide range of facilities – teachers can upload presentations and study materials, carry out testing, communicate with students etc.

Advantages: eLearning is easily accessible, offers rich functions, and can be operated through web browser.

Disadvantages: System does not support videoconferences.

How to: eLearning is easily accessible after signing in with username and central LIANE password.

System for lectures recording

A couple of our classrooms are equipped with devices for recording of lectures. These devices make possible recording of lecturers and their presentations and subsequent publishing of the recording (in video format) at eLearning Portal.

Advantages: Simple operation, does not require any special equipment from the lecturers.

Disadvantages: Single-purpose, limited functionality.

How to: The rooms with recording equipment are A11, AP12, and H31. If interested, contact one of the colleagues, who take care of the video recordings and who will show you how to operate the system. These wonder men are [mailto:premysl.svoboda@tul.cz Premysl Svoboda], [mailto:marian.lamr@tul.cz Marián Lamr] and [mailto:pavel.tyl@tul.cz Pavel Tyl].

Google Meet

System for video conferences and virtual meetings. Can be used to consult students and colleagues. It is advisable to have a device equipped with a camera and microphone if you wish for a meaningful videoconferencing.

Advantages: Easy to use, mere browser is sufficient.

Disadvantages: Single-purpose solution.

How to: Connect to [https://meet.google.com/ meet.google.com]. To be able to exploit all the functions, you need to be connected through university Google account (@tul.cz), you can switch between the accounts in right top corner. Choose Start or join the meeting, enter (not compulsory) the title of the meeting and then use the Connect button. You can invite other participants during start through Add People, or you can mail them information needed for connecting (left bottom). They will join the meeting after clicking the link in the mail. Apart from the images from camera, it is possible to broadcast the computer screen as well.

The meeting can be recorded (bottom right menu with three dots), you will find the file in the Meet Recordings folder at you Google Disk and you can share it with other users. This way, you can easily create instructional videos – as a recording of a videoconference with one user.

If interested in finding out more, see this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_ywOjB1c4Q short instructional video] (English).


Google Classroom

An alternative to our eLearning system. In Google Classroom, you can create courses, put study materials in, carry out test etc. We favor eLearning; although it has slightly less user friendly appearance, it offers more functions and is our standard platform.

Advantages: User friendly interface.

Disadvantages: Limited number of functions.

How to: Connect to [https://classroom.google.com/ classroom.google.com]. To be able to take advantage of all the functions, you need to be connected through university Google account (@tul.cz). You can switch between the accounts in right top corner. The „+“ icon which creates a new course is located in top right corner. There are four basic cards, you switch among them at the top.

  • Stream – study materials,
  • Classwork – tests, tasks, questions;
  • People – students; you can specifically invite students or send them the code of the course, through which they can sign in,
  • Marks – assessment of students.

The system is intuitive and provides interactive tips for individual functions when you use them for the first time.


Google Meet alternative, Zoom is a widely used system for videoconferencing and virtual meetings. It can be used to consult students as well as colleagues. For Czech universities, it was made available by CESNET.

Advantages: Ease of use, minimal requirements.

Disadvantages: Single-purpose only, capabilities are in accordance with [https://www.zoom.us/pricing Free plan] – meetings of two participants are not limited in terms of time; with more participants, the meeting can take 40 minutes max.

How to: Connect to [https://cesnet.zoom.us/ cesnet.zoom.us] (Sign in – top right, logging in is carried out through Shibboleth with username and central LIANE password). You plan the appointment in the Meeting section and mail the other participants the address stated in Join URL. The meeting will start automatically, alternatively you can start it manually through Start this Meeting button. Participants will join the meeting after clicking the link in the email. Zoom uses specialized software, system will offer the software installation when you first connect to the meeting.