This authentication is based on the 802.1X and WPA protocols. It offers higher quality and security, but it requires some setup in the operating system. In short: you have to connect to the eduroam network and configure corresponding technical parameters for the encryption of transmitted data. There must also be present a special program running on the host side - so called supplicant - which handles the WPA communication.
A file for automatic connection for MS Windows, Linux, Apple Mac OS, iOS and Android operating systems is available at eduroam webpages. eduroam Configuration Assistant Tool
A dialogue appears after connecting which asks for your username and password. Type in the eduroam user name in the form (or the name assigned to you by your domestic domain) and the password for remote access which you created for this purpose. If the provided data is correct, communication opens for your computer.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is active throughout duration of your connection. It encrypts your wireless transmission channel. It means that all your communication is encrypted in the air and its potential interception will be useless for the attacker.
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