Connecting your computer to Harcov dorm network makes it a part of LIANE university network as well as of world-wide Internet. This, apart from obvious advantages of connectivity, brings about certain responsibility. The same rules of conduct, which you are obliged to comply with, apply here as in the whole network. In particular, keep the following in mind:
Kdy jste naposledy četli Provozní řád počítačové sítě LIANE? Už ani nepamatujete? Tak to honem napravte.
Kancelář 315 Budova A, Hálkova 6 Liberec
Pondělí a středa 10:00–11:00 a 14:00–15:00,
úterý a čtvrtek 9:00–11:00,
v pátek 10:00–11:00.