Google Classroom is an alternative to our eLearning system. In Google Classroom, you can create courses, put study materials in, carry out test etc. We favor eLearning; although it has slightly less user friendly appearance, it offers more functions and is our standard platform.
Advantages: User friendly interface.
Disadvantages: Limited number of functions.
How to: Connect to []. To be able to take advantage of all the functions, you need to be connected through university Google account ( You can switch between the accounts in right top corner. The „+“ icon which creates a new course is located in top right corner. There are four basic cards, you switch among them at the top.
The system is intuitive and provides interactive tips for individual functions when you use them for the first time.
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Kancelář 01032 a 01012 Budova C, 1. N. P. Studentská 1203/5, Liberec
Pondělí a středa 10:00–11:00 a 14:00–15:00,
úterý a čtvrtek 9:00–11:00,